Twilight Sports Evening

Twilight Sports Evening

Last Thursday, Ruskin Park once again showed how close the connection between students, parents and staff is. The turn out for the Twilight Sports Evening was exceptional by all, with the weather contributing to create a memorable evening. Picnic rugs and dinners were brought, new friendships were made and existing ones revisited. Whilst there were many fantastic sporting activities occurring, the highlight would have to be the Year 6 and Foundation Buddy race.

We thank Mr McDonald for organising the evening, all families and teachers for their support, and we are looking forward to the future community events happening over the year.

Upcoming Important Events

Upcoming Important Events

Over the next two Fridays, two important events are being celebrated. This Friday (15/3) is the National Day of Action Against Bullying & Violence and next Friday (22/5) is Harmony Day. With inclusion being very important to us at Ruskin Park, we invite you to talk to your children to discuss what is happening within the school on these days. We also would love to see parents at every Friday assembly but particularly 22nd where our students are presenting on the country that their class has been studying for Harmony Day.